Thursday, March 20, 2008


The day has finally come, I promised I would have this done by Friday March 21. With my hands shaking and my palms sweating I am creating My first Blog! May not mean much to most people but just months ago I never really new what a blog was. You may think I'm kidding or wondering "Where has she been?"
I went on the Internet but never thought much when I saw a blog, just pasted by them.

"Why did you make a blog?" Thanks for asking, I tell you how this all started.

Last October as my husband, Dennis, was making calls with his insurance leads he came across this man who invited him to a meeting about Friends Win Social Networking. Being curious he went. (of course he did or the story ends) Here was this enthusiastic man, Jim Cobb, explaining what this Friends Win Social Networking was. Sounded really good since we had started our MLM business with Ecoquest International. Here's the kicker, we had no clue what social networking was, but Jim Cobb made it all sound like a great idea. So, now we had to figure out what this was.

As I write this I can understand why someone may think we were living in the dark ages, I know I am. Here I thought because I did online banking, have an E-Mail account, shopped with my sister or daughter online, etc... I was up to date.

Well any way the world of the Internet was about to open up to us, and I mean in a big way.

Dennis was just about ready to quit Friends Win Social Networking because we did not understand the concept. Well... here comes Jim Cobb with an invitation to Friends Win University, there was hope. We now had someone to help us understand what this was, Friends Win Social Networking. Jim Cobb came with hope and gave hope not only for us but for so many others.





Do I sound mushy, really I don't care. Because of this man, Jim Cobb, Friends Win Social Networking, Friends Win University, MyVMTeam, Stephanie Haile and the rest of the group I am on the road to learning what the Internet has to offer, and a safe place to learn. There is so much to know, Blogging, Internet Marketing, Branding, Hubbing,etc...(meaning i can't rememeber it all), I almost ran from it all, but I really am curious and I need to know what this all means. Mistakes, of course I'll have many but I am learning and the road has many friends who's hands I can take to pull me up.

Please comment and any suggestions would be appreciated.

Sandy Hinic, Dennis Hinic Google Me :)